Ouch! Take the sting out of it with On The Spot Tyres

Person trying to change a tyre and it fell off the jack just as he was trying to put the bolts inand caught his hand between the wheel arch and the tyre. Ouch!!! Make to sure to apply handbreak fully, put into 1st gear if the car is on uneven ground and be sure to […]
Great to see regular checks. Safer roads for all.

Four drivers were arrested in Kildare last night under suspicion of drink driving.Garda units in Kildare mounted checkpoints in numerous locations that included Rathangan, Monasterevin, Newbridge and Kildare Town as part of a high visibility traffic operation in the county.”The initiative, known as ‘Operation Surround’ involves a series of high visibility MAT (Mandatory Alcohol Testing) […]